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Rp. 45,000 (*E-Book)
Rp. 75,000 (*Buku)

Buku ini berisikan tentang Introduce Functional Grammar, Identify the part of speech, class, Identify the part of function in functional grammar, Determine rank shift in sentences, Determine main functional components, Determine process types, Evaluate experiential, interpersonal and textual Meaning, Evaluate texts.

Buku ini berisikan tentang Introduce Functional Grammar, Identify the part of speech, class, Identify the part of function in functional grammar, Determine rank shift in sentences, Determine main functional components, Determine process types, Evaluate experiential, interpersonal and textual Meaning, Evaluate texts.

Additional features
ISBN 978-623-8722-86-0
Penulis Buku Zia Kemala, Sri Wahyuni Sachria, Desi Qoriah, Romadhon, Magdalena Ngongo, Yusup Supyani, Hendra Sudarso, Nurul Aryanti
Kategori Sastra Inggris
Tahun Terbit 2024